Theatre Acting Portfolio
A Streetcar Named Desire
”…painfully vulnerable rendition.” -SFTM review
The Many Wondrous Realities of Jasmine Starr-Kidd
Museum Plays
Little Montgomery
True West
“…mesmerizing; he delivers an unforgettable performance."
From the Press
“Davis even managed to usurp film icon Marlon Brando’s memory with his fiercely loud, passionate, often brutal yet also painfully vulnerable rendition.”
South Florida Theater Magazine review of A Streetcar Named Desire
“Watching Davis’ face when he is not the main focus and is simply reacting is fascinating…[he] makes it more easy to believe that this is a man who is truly suffering also.”
Florida Theater On Stage review of A Streetcar Named Desire
“His ‘Stella’ scene finds its own drama, nothing copycat about it – a psychotic break, a boy wanting his ‘mother’ and captivating on so many levels.”
BAJA review of A Streetcar Named Desire
“Davis’s portrayal of Stanley, gives nuance to the character that show his complexity.”
Culture Owl review of A Streetcar Named Desire
“Davis’ work is empathetic and masterful.”
Sun-Sentinel review of Falling
“…reaffirms his status as an accomplished actor. His detailed work this season as the autistic adult in Falling is matched on the comic side of the acting skill set with his well-meaning Dave, a man uncomfortable in his own skin.”
Florida Theater On Stage Review of Everything is Super Great
“…Timothy Mark Davis once again simply triumphs as Josh. He is unrecognizable from the feral Lee in True West or the doubting friend in Art. He physically embodies Josh’s wild wide mood swings. His blue eyes are suffused with pain, joy, confusion, anger and frustration. His voice mumbles a few phrases repeatedly with a beatific smile or issues guttural wails. He can be joyfully free such as in his happy dance or terrifying in his fits of violence. Davis must have done some studying or been coached considerably because I can attest to the accuracy of the vision. To say it is a stunningly effective performance is not the right noun. It is not just the observed mannerisms, the body language, the vocal quality that he is replicating. There is carefully-invoked technique, of course, but Davis sinks so deep into Josh that the autistic adult simply is.”
Florida Theater On Stage of Falling
"Timothy Mark Davis is simply freakin' brilliant as Lee as he belches, bullies and blusters his way through this production of True West...Davis is fearless in his approach to the unpredictable edge of his character, and faces each illogical emotional swell like a surfer flinging themselves headlong into a rogue wave. He is crass without being comical, and dangerous just shy of assault. I am totally in awe of his performance..."
Broadway World Review of True West
“…the bear-like Timothy Mark Davis is a standout as Ronia’s dad, Matt, who goes through parental heartache when rejected by his daughter.”
Palm Beach Arts Paper Review of Ronia the Robber’s Daughter
"Tim's violent eruptions on stage -- both verbal and physical -- are mesmerizing; he delivers an unforgettable performance."
Around Town News Review of True West
"Davis is fearless in his willingness to do anything physically for a laugh…"
Florida Theater on Stage Review of Emperor of the Moon
“In particular, we keenly feel the intensity of Timothy Mark Davis’ performance. The hulking actor turns Marc into something simmering, just waiting to explode.”
Theatre Criticism Review of ART